Jitka Trnková | Tuesday, 1 September 2015

“My superior has given me the task of writing an e-mail to France with an offer of our services. I need help in writing it, can I turn to you?”

Ask a translation agency! They’ll definitely try all they can to help. In this case the price is determined on an individual basis, but you can’t quantify it in money if it brings in a new foreign client.

Last year a client came to us saying that they’d like to set up a business partnership with a German company. He described the core of the problem, which was the fact that he wasn’t sure about his written German. We met with the client and he explained the important points that should be discussed with the German party. We translated the replies from the German client and, conversely, his answers to the client in Germany. This roughly 7 week-long e-mail communication developed into a business partnership, which continues to this day, and it was at least 89 percent less to get than if he had gone to Germany to meet the client in person and communicate with him through an interpreter. We are, of course, pleased for our client and likewise we are prepared to assist you.


Please write to us or call us, we are happy to deal with anything that concerns languages and communication.