Jitka Trnková | Friday, 11 September 2015

“I need to write several PR articles in Czech. The budget’s too tight to allow me to use an advertising agency. What about a translation agency, can they help?”

Once again the golden rule is – ask and ask until you get a straight answer. If the translation agency tells you that it does not provide these services or that it does not have experience in this field, contact another agency that provides these services as standard and can help you. There’s no point in risking a poorly written PR article that not only doesn’t help you, but can even damage the name of your company on the Czech or foreign market. And that really isn’t worth it.

Creating PR articles is not standard in most translation agencies. If, however, we bear in mind that even advertising and PR agencies use freelancers for these highly sought-after services, then there is no reason why a translation agency could not help with this service. Personally, as the head of an agency, I have several years’ experience of various middle and top management positions in advertising agencies, and so I decided to use this experience for the benefit of my clients. In addition we can ensure the PR articles are immediately translated into any foreign language. We’re not all-knowing, but we do know where to go to help you with any other services that you need.


Please write to us or call us, we are more than pleased to solve any other tasks that are directly or indirectly related to our line of business.