What is the relation between a standard page and the source word?

One standard page equals 1500 characters without spaces. It is about 250-300 words. You can easily find out the number of words in the Microsoft Office Word by going to File – Properties – Statistics.

How to calculate the price for a translation?

The translation price is calculated according to the number of source words. If it is not possible to find an accurate number of source words (e.g. because it is in a PDF format or they are printed materials), then the translation price is calculated according to the number of target words. You can find more detailed information concerning prices in the section Price list.

What is the standard translation delivery term?

For the delivery of a high-quality translation, the maximum possible number of source words for 1 translator per day is 1500. The standard delivery term is 3 working days from confirming the order. Express translations are agreed upon individually.

What are the payment conditions?

Payment is based on an invoice to be paid within 10 calendar days. In the case of more extensive or long-term projects we usually send a proforma invoice.

I need about 100 pages to be translated, when would the translation be ready?

It depends on many factors, whether you need the translation to be prepared in a short time, or whether you choose the standard delivery term. In the first case the translation is divided up among several translators. We do not recommend doing this because it is not possible to ensure the maximum translation quality even when using CAT tools (unified terminology). We still prefer the second alternative; assigning one translator to the translation. This ensures the terminology is unified giving the best possible quality.

I do not have the translation in electronic form, how shall I deliver the translation to you?

If you do not have the translation in electronic form, it is possible to scan the materials and send them to us by e-mail, deliver it personally or send it through the post. If we are talking about some graphically time-consuming translation, it is necessary to count with the price for editing the text into an electronic form (see section Price list).

What is a certified translation?

A certified translation is a translation from a sworn court translator. This translation is bound to the original or a verified copy of the translated document. Certified translations are necessary when dealing with the authorities.

What is an Apostille?

An Apostille is proof that is added to a verified document and serves as confirmation of the document’s authenticity and validity for its usage abroad.

Do you use CAT software?

Yes, we use CAT tools, especially TRADOS and TRANSIT.